luke 3:16

luke 3:16

Monday, August 18, 2014


        I'm taking this course to become more educated in English and expand my vocabalary. Also I'm taking this course because without it I won't be able to graduate and be successful in life I would be a worker at mcdonalds and I don't wanna be that person. My goals for this course is to try my hardest and keep an A or better in this class. Also to expand my vocab into the everyday thing.

      My thinking  will improve gradually because  everyday we get a prompt and have to think about it and write why the moral  or what we just think personally or if we can relate to it. I expect my knowledge  to shoot out of the roof. It will shoot out of the roof because  there is so much to learn and nothing is holding me back from learning. Richard Cory surprised the readers and the narriaters because everyone thought he was a Hubble Carib guy and he had everything he could ever ask from and then boom pow he puts a bullet in his head. The moral of the poem is money and fame doesn't make a guy happy.

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